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DCAA Approved Accounting Systems

We get a lot of visitors to this web site from the search term "DCAA Approved Accounting System." So I thought this would be a good opportunity to clarify exactly what constitutes a DCAA Approved Accounting System.

The answer is "nothing" since it doesn't exist. DCAA does not approve accounting systems and never has. When DCAA audits your company, they are auditing policies, procedures, and the implementation of the accounting software you are using. SYMPAQ has the built in audit trails and reports that a DCAA auditor will be examining, so accounting system acceptance as implemented is much more likely. However, even if you have SYMPAQ properly implemented, but have poorly documented accounting policies and procedures and lack internal controls surrounding your accounting system, you can potentially fail your audit. If you have good timekeeping policies, but are using QuickBooks for accounting, you might just fail your audit since it lacks the native feature set required to meet the audit criteria.

A DCAA audit is a three-legged stool. Software is only one of the legs, and arguably, the easiest one to get right. You should be very skeptical of any vendor or consultant that says a particular software package will ensure approval by DCAA. The DCAA does not work like that.

8 Steps to Take When Dealing with the DCAA

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