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July, 08 2024

Accounting System Audits: A Laser-Focus on the Audit Trail

DCAA Audits Accounting Software FAR Compliance

To provide the details the auditors sought, SYMPAQ features in-depth audit logs for both accounting and timekeeping transactions. Read the Blog

April, 30 2024

The Q1 941 - Yet another sign the Pandemic is Over?

Accounting Software Accounting 941

One of the more vexing challenges going back to the start of the pandemic in 2020 has been trying to keep up w/ 941 "Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return" changes. Read the Blog

April, 02 2024

Accounting Software Upgrades - Taking it One Step at a Time

Accounting Software Business Tips

Company Culture plays a huge role when your company decides to change accounting systems.Your company must adequately plan for the conversion to realize the benefits. Don't forget about your people ... Read the Blog

March, 01 2024

When can we be Up and Running on your Software?

Insider Accounting Software

How long will it take to implement your software? The truth of the matter is that we just don't know. There are so many factors that play into the duration (and price) of setting up a new accounting ... Read the Blog

September, 28 2023

Does your software integrate with...???

Accounting Software Accounting

DCAA audit compliance has been at the top of the feature list in each and every meeting, but once that is addressed, things can get rather interesting! Read the Blog

July, 31 2023

Does Your GovCon Cost Accounting Software Forgive Your Mistakes?

Government Contractor Accounting Software Small Government Contractor

Forgiving software is designed to be accommodating when users make input errors or perform unintended actions, allowing them to recover easily. Read the Blog

August, 31 2022

What exactly is “FAR compliant” accounting software?

Accounting Software FAR Compliance

What in the Sam Hill is “FAR compliant” accounting software? Read the Blog

February, 22 2022

Getting creative with your G&A Rate

Accounting Software DCAA Accounting Indirect Costs Budgeting

In a previous article, we discussed the concept of Indirect Rates and provided a simple example of a fringe benefit rate calculation. We have found that many of our most successful clients have some ... Read the Blog

August, 24 2021

Government Contract Cost Accounting Software - What makes it different from the rest?

Government Contractor Accounting Software Business Tips

A guide to help you understand the differences between a non-industry specific accounting software package and one that is purpose-built for Government contractors. Read the Blog

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