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June, 07 2024

Should You Factor Your Government Contract Receivables?

Business Tips CEOs & CFOs

Factoring your accounts receivable to a third-party financing company (i.e., factor) will provide near-instant payment on your federal government invoices instead of waiting the typical 30 days or ... Read the Blog

April, 02 2024

Accounting Software Upgrades - Taking it One Step at a Time

Accounting Software Business Tips

Company Culture plays a huge role when your company decides to change accounting systems.Your company must adequately plan for the conversion to realize the benefits. Don't forget about your people ... Read the Blog

June, 23 2023

Accounting for your Government Sales and Marketing Activities

Business Tips Accounting Budgeting sales

Tracking sales and marketing functions should include using cost accounting data to provide visibility and substantiation for marketing and sales. Read the Blog

December, 29 2022

Have a Stress Free Tax Form Filing Season (and a Happy New Year)

Business Tips Accounting tax

For the dreaded upcoming tax form filing season that begins in January, you likely will be pleased to know that unlike with the past two tax filing seasons Read the Blog

January, 25 2022

Preparing for a DCAA Accounting System Adequacy Audit

Insider Business Tips

Are you prepared for a DCAA Accounting Systems Adequacy Audit? As a government contractor, your first face-to-face interaction with a DCAA auditor will likely be an Accounting Systems Adequacy Audit. ... Read the Blog

November, 19 2021

Handling Unallowable Costs in your Accounting Books of Record

SYMPAQ Benefits Business Tips Indirect Costs

Do you have the systems in place to identify and record 'unrecoverable' costs in a segregated way so that they do not become co-mingled with allowable costs that can be recovered? Read the Blog

October, 14 2021

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month but We're "Aware" Year-round

Government Contractor SYMPAQ Benefits Business Tips

You can't let your guard down when it comes to cybersecurity. Cyberattacks take place every eleven seconds on average, so you need to be sure your software works around the clock to stay secure. Read the Blog

September, 23 2021

Labor Distribution 101

DCAA Audits SYMPAQ Benefits Business Tips

If you have a fully functioning labor distribution system that enables the accurate recording of both direct and indirect labor charges and can also accommodate uncompensated overtime for salaried ... Read the Blog

August, 24 2021

Government Contract Cost Accounting Software - What makes it different from the rest?

Government Contractor Accounting Software Business Tips

A guide to help you understand the differences between a non-industry specific accounting software package and one that is purpose-built for Government contractors. Read the Blog

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